GC Fuji 2 LC Mini – Light-Cured Glass Ionomer for Restorations


Sale priceRs. 1,500.80

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  • Mini Pack: Powder - 5g Liquid - 3g (2.6ml)
  • Advantages: 1. Smaller particles 2. Excellent aesthetics and polishability 3. Higher filler loading 4. Significantly improved abrasion resistance 5. Good radiopacity 6. Facilitating post- operative diagnosis 7. Self-adhesive to tooth structure 8. No etching, no bonding 9. Hydrophilic 10. Very good results in areas where rubber dam is difficult to use, cavity margins are in dentin and enamel prisms can not be properly etched 11. Smooth, porosity-free surface after sealing with GC G-Coat Plus
  • Directions for Use: (a) Powder / Liquid ratio (g/g) : 3.2 / 1.0 (b) Mixing Time (sec.) : 20 - 25 (c) Working Time (min., sec.) : 3.45 (d) Light Curing Time (sec.) : 20 (e) Depth of Cure (A2) (mm) :1.

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