Uses of Endo Motors: A Short
NOV, 2022 / by kck / in Endodontics
Facilitate endodontic process with the best endo motors in dentistry; Endo motors allow the use of mechanically
driven files. Endo motor uses are huge in dentistry; the motor ensures greater speed and convenience in the
preparation of endodontic canals. Endodontic instruments are significantly advanced with a range of rotary and
reciprocating system that makes your root canal treatment easier.
Choosing the best endodontic motor is under priority list while purchasing your dental clinics equipments.
The endodontic motor has a composed central body, micro motor, contra Angulo, and sometimes a pedal. Most
of the endodontic brands have their own automatic file system. So, the endo motor uses any file system and it’s
completely independent.
Rotary or Reciprocating Endo Motor
All the dental endodontic motors have the feature of continuous rotary movement, but some motors have
reciprocal files.
Reciprocating endo motor is yet another breakthrough came with the release of 4th generation rotary files. The
reciprocating motion was considered to be more powerful than continuous rotation.
Reciprocating Endo Motor Uses
Good cutting quality
Extends the life of rotary
File preserves original anatomy
Reduced time to form canal
Lesser amount of dentin crack compared to rotary motion.
Also, check: Best Dental Equipment India
Endo Motor Uses
Reduced Chair Time
Chair time is the most significant resource of your dental clinic. It’s essential to consider chair time while involving
in root canal treatment. Being an endodontist, you should reduce the chair time and make patients happy with
quality service.
Endo motor uses can reduce the chair time by more than 50% for usual root canal treatments. Hand filing is a
traditional and time consuming process, but with rotary endo motors root canals can be done faster.
Increased Patient Comfort
Endo motor uses are exceptional in root canal procedures; rotary endodontics allows you to explore various
options on completing the root canal cleaning and obturation in a single sitting.
You inject the local anesthesia only once and provide a great amount of satisfaction for patients. Enhance patient
comfort with the best endodontic motor.
The cost of engine files is higher than hand files but, while considering chair time as a cost, the treatment cost
drastically falls down. Endo motor uses allows you to enjoy cost-savings up to 25 to 30%
Important things to consider while choosing the best endodontic motor
Wireless or Pedal
While deciding the endo motor, check for the feature whether it’s wireless or with a pedal. Certain endo motors
are controlled from the same handpiece, but other models are controlled from a pedal.
Program Availability
The endo motors have pre-installed file sequences of their own brand. Endo motor uses are perfect while working
with a file system, consider buying the same manufacturer’s motor.
Speed and Torque
Endo motor uses are effective only if you have full control over the instrumentation. The normal speed range
between 150 and 650 rpm but, motors with faster speed have better cutting performance. It’s more likely to cause
separation or any fracturing of the instrument.
In the past years, the use of slow-velocity high torque is an agreed instrumentation type. But, in recent years, you
can use low torque instrumentation techniques for slow speed. The best endodontic motor provides great
versatility with different file systems and ideal torque values.
Best Endodontic Motor
Understanding the endo motor uses and investing in a good endo motor is the most effective way to improve your
dental procedures.
Some of the popular brands are VDW, Mailefer, Zipperer, Mariotti, or Sybronendo. Endo motor uses serve as a
great boon by reducing the chair time and ensuring a professional approach towards patients.
Get the best endodontic motor to increase productivity and enhance the consistency of your care! So, what are
you waiting for? Get one, right now!
Uses of Endo Motors: A Short